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SBA 504 GREEN LOAN PROGRAM expands access to funding - BLP - Business Lending Partners
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SBA 504 GREEN LOAN PROGRAM expands access to funding

Expand your access to SBA 504 funding for your next project by going green

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) established the SBA 504 Green Loan Program to support small businesses in investing in energy-efficient building solutions, modernizing structures, reducing utility costs, and improving financial performance.


The SBA 504 Green Loan program is an excellent option for eligible businesses, serving as a catalyst to encourage small businesses to reduce their carbon footprint. There are considerable benefits and incentives for borrowers who invest in renewable energy initiatives.

Key Program Benefits:

  • Larger SBA 504 Loan Amount – Eligible projects can secure an SBA 504 Green Loan, providing financial support up to $5.5 million, with an aggregate loan amount per borrower to an impressive $16.5 million.
  • Cost Savings – The reduction in energy costs not only contributes to a sustainable environment but also yields long-term financial benefits for businesses. Most energy improvements and equipment can be seamlessly financed within the loan.
  • Public Policy – Utilizing the SBA 504 Green Loan, waives the SBA job creation rules, ideal for businesses with few employees.

To qualify, a project must result in either:

  1. A reduction in energy use intensity of at least 10%. Energy use intensity is calculated on a per square foot basis. An example of a project that meets this goal is a warehousing company moving to a new building that includes more efficient lighting compared to their prior building.
  2. A facility that will generate at least 15% of its energy from renewable sources. An example of a project that meets this goal is a new hotel development equipped with solar panels.

This program is most commonly utilized by businesses with multiple locations that are seeking SBA financing in excess of the standard $5 million limit. Common industries include hospitality, childcare, and industrial firms.

WHY SBA 504?
The SBA 504 program enables you to serve your current clients while also obtaining new prospects. Through this program, you can enhance your commercial financial portfolio, positioning your institution as an innovative and strategic partner for your clients.


BLP is a Certified Development Company (CDC) serving all of Wisconsin. As a financial partner, clients know they’re not just another number. Our partners benefit from having one contact – start to finish. Reduce risk, lend more, grow your portfolio!


Wesley Walsh
Wesley Walsh
Vice President & Loan Officer Southern Wisconsin
Wesley Walsh is a commercial lender passionate about helping small businesses. A Magna Cum Laude graduate of UW-Eau Claire, he’s interned at Associated Bank and worked at Tri City National Bank.